Who we are

Autism Society of Colorado was founded in 1970 by parents fighting for the right for their children to receive an education in public schools. In 1975, ASC spearheaded passage at the state and national level of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. For over 50 years, ASC has positively impacted thousands of Coloradans and strives to provide innovative services, educational events, and policy initiatives to serve individuals with disabilities living in Colorado.

ASC's Board and Staff is comprised of professionals with various talents and expertise. We know that with our life experiences, insights, and dedication—we can work towards a bright future and help serve our community.

What we do

Autism Society of Colorado serves as a resource and bridge connections for the autism community. We are advancing the conversation about equal access and inclusion through policy engagement and partnerships. We provide trainings to local businesses and organizations in order to facilitate long-term, fulfilling employment opportunities. We believe that if we work together, with your help—we can contribute lasting advocacy efforts and meaningful connections for autistic individuals and their supporters.

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11.10 | 03:09


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