Get to Know Us

Founded in 1990, Ralston House receives referrals from law enforcement, social services and the district attorney's office, and works in conjunction with these entities to provide specialized forensic interviews and medical consultations. 

What We Do

Ralston House is projected to do over 1,000 forensic interviews and medical exams for children and teens each year. 


Ralston House also provides education and outreach to the general public to prevent child abuse.

What We Provide

  • Education and outreach

  • Forensic interview services

  • Medical services

  • Family/victim support services

  • Prevention training

  • Multi-disciplinary case review


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11.10 | 03:09


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Why Ralston House Child Advocacy Center?

Child Advocacy Centers ​are designed to reduce trauma to children who are suspected of being physically or sexually abused or who have witnessed a violent crime by bringing together professionals (multi-disciplinary team (MDT)—members of an investigation including child protective services, police and district attorneys) into one location for a single interview instead of a child be interviewed by each member of a MDT​ on different occasions; an approach that risks retraumatizing an already vulnerable child.